When you are buying a home, you have a lot on your mind. All of your belongings must be moved. There are emergencies that come up. If you have a family, you have to help them prepare for the big change. There is a lot to be concerned about! These are the reasons you would have a professional home inspector thoroughly inspect the home before you purchase. With all of your responsibilities, the last thing you want to do is invest your money in a home that’s going to require major repairs. Our professional crew at Vannier Home Inspections will inspect every room from top to bottom, the exterior of the home and the roof. The plumbing, faucets and toilets will all be checked too. We will take that worry off your shoulders.
If you are selling, you'll want to learn about any possible issues before listing your home, and have repairs done so that you don't end up being blindsided by your buyer trying to get you to accept less money for your home. Being prepared can definitely pay off and has for many of our clients! The worry that there may be undisclosed problems with the house will subside when they see you have had the home inspected by professionals.
Whether you are a buyer or a seller, you can greatly benefit from one of our home inspections.
Knowledge Gives You Power in Negotiations
When buying a home, it is expected that the seller has disclosed information regarding any structural issues or safety concerns in the house. But what happens if the seller is unaware of an issue? That’s why getting a professional home inspection, from a reliable company, is especially important when buying a house. If, in the course of the inspection, there are problems that are discovered, you can use that information to help negotiate a better price for the home!
Be Sure to Be at the Inspection!
It’s not absolutely necessary, but we highly recommend that the buyer comes at the end of the inspection for a review. Attending the review is a great opportunity to see what the inspector has found and to ask any questions about any issues you may have attention on already.
A professional home inspection will give you peace of mind by providing you with all the ins and outs of the property. It will show you everything you need to know. After a thorough home inspection you should be able to read the report and act on it. You will know which things need to be addressed before purchase. And, you will be aware of the things you are willing to handle yourself after the sale. After the professional inspection, you’ll know exactly whether this property is right for you with no surprises coming up later!
Vannier Home Inspections- The Professionals You Can Trust!
At Vannier Home Inspections we provide thorough and professional home inspections with friendly and caring service so that you get that peace of mind you expect from a professional home inspection. We also provide a detailed report with everything you need to know in a way that you can easily understand.
Whether you’re located in Arizona’s East Valley or West Valley, Vannier provides you with confidence and peace of mind. To request a home inspection, contact us today!